«Summit on Diplomacy and Leadership: Celebrating Unity and Progress in Wasilla, Alaska»


Wasilla, Alaska, July 27, 2024 – The Council of Hispanic Communities, AC (CCH), in collaboration with the Honoris Causa USA Foundation (FHC USA), the Honoris Causa International Foundation (FHCI), MORE Latinoamérica, the Universidad Santander, and PPEP, held an unprecedented event in the state of Alaska: the «Summit on Diplomacy and Leadership.» This event brought together the Hispanic community of Wasilla, Anchorage, and Palmer, as well as attendees from various regions of the United States such as Chicago, Arizona, New Jersey, New York, and from Ibero-America, including Peru, the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Mexico, and Spain.

Recognizing Hispanic Migrants

Presided over by Gaby Castillo, the Council of Hispanic Communities has worked tirelessly for more than 30 years, recognizing and assisting Hispanic migrants in the United States. Since 2007, the CCH and the FHC USA have initiated the delivery of replicas of the Campana de Dolores to various cities for Mexican migrants who feel nostalgia for their beloved Mexico, bringing with them the sound that evokes the cry of independence. This symbol, known as the Liberty Bell, has reached ten U.S. cities, with Wasilla, Alaska being the most recent to receive it.

Inauguration and Scholarships for the Community

During the inaugural event, a certificate for 10,000 scholarships was presented to the city of Wasilla for the residents of Alaska. The Mayor of Wasilla, Glenda D. Ledford, received the certificate from the Rector of the Universidad Santander, Enrique Navarro. These scholarships will benefit Hispanic professionals who wish to continue their studies at the master’s and doctoral levels, as well as high school graduates who aspire to pursue university studies at a significantly lower cost than other universities, with official validity in the United States and Ibero-America. Additionally, Preparatoria IN, led by Rodrigo Loeza, awarded twelve 100% scholarships for online high school studies for Hispanics, distributed among the states of California, Arizona, and Utah.

Recognizing Distinguished Personalities

In an emotional event full of recognitions, the Honoris Causa International and USA Foundation awarded the Ibero-American Medal to various personalities who have been agents of change:

  • Andrew Kurka, alpine skier, recognized in the category of Sports.
  • Charles R. Parker, President and CEO of Alaska Village Initiative, awarded for his Activism.
  • Jesse Lopez, Coordinator of the PPEP program, distinguished for his work in Philanthropy.
  • Adelina Rodriguez, Officer of the MAT-SU Health Foundation scholarship program, for her work in Diversity and Inclusion.
  • Glenda Ledford, Mayor of Wasilla, for her contribution to the Community.
  • Katya Echazarreta, astronaut, recognized as Woman of the Year.
  • Michaela Walsh, educator and writer, honored for her work in Education.
  • Jennifer Schmidt-Hutchins, Director of Sin Fronteras, also in the field of Education.
  • Michael DunLeavy, Governor of Alaska.
  • Glenda D. Ledford, Mayor of Wasilla.
  • Abraham Gallo, founder of the largest restaurant chain in Alaska.
  • Agustín Sánchez, prominent activist in the Hispanic community.
  • Jennifer Schmidt-Hutchins, Exemplary High Performing National Blue Ribbon School.

Honorary Doctorates

During this magnificent event, the Universidad Santander awarded the highest recognition of «Honorary Doctorate» to personalities such as Katya Echazarreta, the first Mexican woman to travel to space, and Michaela Walsh, one of the first women to work on Wall Street, first president of the Women’s World Banking and recognized for her outstanding philanthropic work. Both received the Honorary Doctorate from the Rector Enrique Navarro, USA Vice-Rector Jim Enrique Tolbert, Ibero-America Vice-Rector Juan Carlos Viñas, CCH President Gabriela Castillo, and MORE Latinoamérica President Claudia Jones.

Additionally, the Council of Hispanic Communities, the Honoris Causa Foundation, and MORE Latinoamérica presented a recognition to journalist and television host Juan José Origel for his exceptional career, handed over by the Mayor of Wasilla, Glenda D. Ledford.

Break out sessions

Within the Summit on Diplomacy and Leadership, attendees were divided into three sections to discuss topics of interest: Diplomacy, Commerce, and Community. Participants actively exchanged ideas and proposals focused on collaboration between various regions, both within and outside the United States, with the aim of benefiting the Alaska community. The resulting agreements and proposals will be presented to the Governor of Alaska to follow up on the outcomes of this summit.

Enriching Conferences

The event also included enriching conferences such as that of Charles R. Parker, who detailed the diversity of tribes in Alaska and the transition Alaska underwent from separating from Russia to becoming part of the United States, and how this impacted Native Americans. Jesse Lopez, twice recognized as Man of the Year in Arizona, spoke about his life dedicated to helping young people in the border region between Arizona and Sonora. Liliana Sánchez captivated the audience with her conference «Be the Creator of Your Reality.»

Culmination of the Event

The event culminated at the Mexican restaurant Chepos, owned by Mexican-American entrepreneur Lucía A. Orozco, who welcomed the guests with an exquisite dinner, mariachi, folk dance, and a fashion show. The unveiling of the Liberty Bell was carried out by the Governor of Alaska, Michael Dunleavy; the Mayor of Wasilla, Glenda D. Ledford; the Rector of the Universidad Santander, Enrique Navarro; the President of CCH and FHC USA, Gabriela Castillo; the President of FHCI, Raquel Besudo; the President of MORE Latinoamérica, Claudia Jones; the astronaut Katya Echazarreta; Michaela Walsh; the Mayor of Puerto Vallarta, Francisco José Martínez Gil; and the journalist Juan José Origel, among many other distinguished personalities who attended this significant celebration.

Promoting International Cooperation

This event not only celebrated the arrival of the Liberty Bell in Wasilla but also fostered commercial exchange, tourism, education, and bilateral agreements. The Mayor of Wasilla and the Mayor of Puerto Vallarta announced plans to twin their cities, thereby promoting the tourism and economic development of both localities.

By Genoveva Diaz

Photos: Brad Long/Howard Grayboff

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